Christian Sandvig Discusses Ethical Pitfalls of Artificial Intelligence
Digital Studies Institute faculty member, Christian Sandvig, was recently interviewed by Time for their recent article about the pitfalls of artificial intelligence.
Go to Time to read the entire article, "Meet the Researchers Working to Make Sure Artificial Intelligence Is a Force for Good."
The path forward for ethical AI isn’t straightforward. Christian Sandvig, professor of digital media at the University of Michigan and director of ESC (and also a plaintiff in the 2016 suit against the Justice Department) worries that genuine calls for change in the AI field could be derailed in a process he calls “ethics-washing,” in which efforts to create more ethical AI look good on paper, but don’t actually accomplish much. Ethics-washing, Sandvig says, “make[s] it seem as though transformational change has occurred by liberally applying the word ‘ethics’ as though it were paint.”