Depending on your program abroad, you may be able to use study abroad to meet Digital Studies minor requirements. If you hope to use study abroad courses to meet Digital Studies requirements, you should plan on the following:
Before you go:
1) When planning your Study Abroad Program, check with the Study Abroad office to ensure that all courses will transfer back to UM. If UM does not accept a course for credit, it cannot be used towards your Digital Studies minor. Courses used for majors and minors must be taken for a grade (not Pass/Fail). Remember: you may only use 6 credits outside of UM towards your Digital Studies minor.
2) When looking for courses, remember that DS-eligible courses must have over 50% Digital Studies content, and must be a 200+ level course. Consult an advisor for approval of specific courses.
3) Prior to taking your courses, contact an advisor to secure pre-approval for any courses you hope to use towards your major/minor. Retain any emails that confer approval for specific courses. In general, Digital Studies Institute does not have a list of all approved study abroad programs and courses, so you should look at the course offerings at your intended program and talk with the advisor about specific courses you would like to take. Remember: Courses that are not pre-approved by an advisor may not count towards your major/minor!
When you return:
When you return from your study abroad and all credits have been transferred to UM and appear on your transcript, meet with a Digital Studies advisor to formally include the course in your degree credits. You may also complete your degree audit at this time.