Sweetland Center for Writing Associate Director and Lecturer IV in Sweetland Writing Center, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
I am a Lecturer in the Sweetland Center for Writing. I received my Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin. My primary areas of research are rhetoric and composition, multimodality, and writing center pedagogy.
I like the interactions between computers and old media. Like, can writing be the same if we put pen on paper or if we press buttons on a keyboard? And with writing I mean the process of it–the thinking, composing, revising of it. I like to think about writing–and how it shapes our thoughts. An epistemology, so to speak. But basically, I am a teacher who thrives seeing other people experience the overwhelming adventure of writing. Anything. Anywhere. In any medium. On any occasion.
Fields of Study/Research Interests
Rhetoric and Composition; Multimodality and Digital Media; Cultural Studies; Writing Center Pedagogy
Grants and Awards
CRLT Faculty Communities for Inclusive Teaching Grant, the University of Michigan, January 2016
CRLT Lecturers’ Professional Development Fund Award, the University of Michigan, November 2015
LSA Institute on Diversity and Campus Climate, the University of Michigan, May 2015
Senior Fellow, Sweetland Fellows Writing Seminar, the University of Michigan, Winter 2014
"Personalization and Engagement in Dissertation Writing Groups," Computers and Writing, the Universityy of Findlay, 06/02/2017
Self[ie] Awareness Digital Exhibition, North Quad Programming
“Presenting Ourselfies: Practicing Social Media Ethos through the Selfie,” Computers and Writing, the University of Wisconsin-Stout, 05/29/2015
“Violence in the Writing Center,” The Future of Writing Centers Symposium, the University of Texas at Austin, 02/23/2013