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Governing Faculty

Nicole Ellison
Karl E Weick Collegiate Professor of Information School of Information
School of Information/3384 North Quad 734/647-1430
Oliver Haimson
Assistant Professor of Information, School of Information
School of Information/3380 North Quad 734.763.2285
Libby Hemphill
Associate Professor of Information, School of Information, and Research Associate Professor, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Institute for Social Research
Christian Sandvig
H. Marshall McLuhan Collegiate Professor of Digital Media, Professor of Information, School of Information; Faculty Associate, Center for Political Studies, Institute of Social Research; Professor of Communication Studies, College of Literature, Science and the Arts
5385 North Quad 734.763.0861
Simone Sessolo
Sweetland Center for Writing Associate Director and Lecturer IV in Sweetland Writing Center, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
1320 North Quad 734.647.4526