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AMPLIFY: DSI Student Showcase

Tuesday, February 4, 2025
2:00-5:00 PM
Room 2435 North Quad Map
Join us for our fourth annual AMPLIFY: DSI Student Showcase, where we will celebrate the hard work and creativity of students enrolled in DSI courses! Projects will include research-based papers, VR, zines, videos, and more.

No RSVP is required to attend the showcase. We hope to see you there!

If you have questions regarding the showcase, please reach out to Sarah Torsch at [email protected].
Building: North Quad
Event Type: Exhibition
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, artists, Communication, computing, data visualization, digital, Digital Culture, Digital Cultures, digital humanities, Digital Media, Digital Scholarship, Digital Studies, Digital Studies Institute, digital technology, digitalization, digitization, Discussion, Diversity, Exhibition, Extended Reality, Faculty, Film, Free, Games, gender studies, history, human rights, Humanities, In Person, Interdisciplinary, Media, Networking, Social Justice, Social Media, Undergraduate, Undergraduate Students, Video Games
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Digital Studies Institute

To submit an event to our calendar, please send an e-mail to [email protected].